
Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls: Quick & Easy Treat

Cinnamon Rolls with Air Fryer
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Enter a world of delicious Cinnamon Rolls With Air Fryer! Are you seeking a quick, easy, and tasty snack? Well, you’re in luck. Your air fryer can help you make these treats. They’ll be golden-brown and taste amazing.

Picture biting into a warm, soft cinnamon roll that’s easy to make. You won’t have to wait for dough to rise for hours. The air fryer cuts down that time significantly. In a short while, you’ll have lovely cinnamon rolls ready to eat.

These cinnamon rolls taste better than what you find in stores. They are made with simple ingredients, not with extra preservatives or fake stuff. Thanks to our recipe, you can make healthy and tasty cinnamon rolls.

What are you waiting for? Jump into making air fryer cinnamon rolls. Discover how they can upgrade your breakfast or sweet treat time. Everyone will love this dish so much, they’ll want more.

Why Choose Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls?

Using an air fryer changes the game for enjoying cinnamon rolls. It introduces new ways to make these sweet and comforting treats at home. Let’s look at the benefits of using this device for homemade cinnamon rolls.

A Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe Worth the Effort

Store-bought cinnamon rolls don’t always taste as good as homemade ones. When you make your own, you pick the best ingredients. This ensures your cinnamon rolls taste amazing.

Making them from scratch lets you tailor the recipe to your liking. You can tweak everything, from the dough to what’s inside. Want more cinnamon? Go for it. Like nuts or dried fruits? Add them in. You’re in charge of making your perfect cinnamon roll.

The Air Fryer Advantage

Now, let’s see why an air fryer is a game-changer for homemade cinnamon rolls. It cooks them faster than an oven. This means your rolls are always perfectly crispy on the outside and soft inside.

The air fryer’s technology ensures they cook evenly. No more half-baked or burnt spots. You’ll get a great taste in every bite.

Also, the air fryer is quick to heat up. It bakes your rolls in a fraction of the time. In just minutes, your kitchen will smell like a bakery.

Its small size is perfect for tight spaces. Plus, it won’t make your kitchen too hot in the summer. Now, there’s no need to wait for winter to enjoy cinnamon rolls.

Knowing all this, you’re ready to start making your own cinnamon rolls. We’ll show you how to use your air fryer to create amazing treats. So, get set, bake, and enjoy your delicious homemade cinnamon rolls!

Getting Started: Ingredients and Equipment

First, gather everything you need to make cinnamon rolls in an air fryer. You’ll need these ingredients and equipment:


  • 2 ¾ cups all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 2 ¼ teaspoons active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • ½ cup milk
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter, melted
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 ½ tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • ¼ cup unsalted butter, softened


  • Air fryer
  • Mixing bowls
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Whisk or electric mixer
  • Rolling pin
  • Basting brush
  • Sharp knife or pizza cutter
  • Baking dish that fits in your air fryer basket

With all your items at hand, we’re ready to get started. Next, we’ll guide you through making the dough and filling. Then roll up and air fry your cinnamon rolls. It’s time to fill your space with the sweet smell of fresh treats!

Preparing the Dough

After getting the ingredients, let’s make the dough for your home-baked cinnamon rolls. Here’s how:

  1. Gather the dry ingredients: In a big bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt, and yeast for your cinnamon rolls. Stir them together well.
  2. Heat the wet ingredients: In a pot or a bowl, warm milk, water, and butter until about 110°F. Mix until the butter melts.
  3. Add the wet ingredients to the dry mixture: Mix the warm liquids into the dry ingredients. Keep stirring until it’s a soft dough.
  4. Knead the dough: Put the dough on a floured surface. Knead it for 5-7 minutes until it’s smooth. Add more flour if it’s sticky.
  5. Let the dough rise: Put your dough in a greased bowl and cover it. Let it sit in a warm place for 1-2 hours. It should double in size.

While waiting for the dough to rise, get your cinnamon filling and toppings ready. Make sure you have everything set for the next steps.

homemade cinnamon rolls recipe

With the dough ready and toppings in hand, it’s time for Section 5: Rolling and Filling the Dough. Let’s start making delicious cinnamon rolls that’ll be a hit!

Rolling and Filling the Dough

After making the dough for your homemade cinnamon rolls, the next step is rolling and filling. This is when things get exciting. You turn the dough into sweet, aromatic cinnamon spirals.

Start by dusting a flat surface with flour. Put the dough there and roll it out. Try to get a nice, even rectangle shape that’s not too thin.

Now, it’s time for the best part – the filling. Spread a mix of cinnamon and sugar on the dough. This mix gives your rolls their amazing flavor.

If you’re up for it, you can add more than just cinnamon sugar. Try nuts, raisins, or melted chocolate. Make your rolls special with whatever you like.

Next, roll the dough from one long side carefully. Tightly rolling it keeps the swirls in place. Pinch the ends when you’re done to keep everything inside.

After rolling, cut the dough into pieces about 1 ½ inches thick. Put them on a baking sheet or in your air fryer with the cut side up.

Now that they’re rolled and filled, it’s air frying time. The next part will show you how to get those rolls golden-brown and fluffy. Your taste buds will love it.

Air Frying Your Cinnamon Rolls

You’ve just made your cinnamon rolls. Now, learn how to air fry them perfectly. Your air fryer will turn them golden-brown and delicious.

To start, set your air fryer to 375°F. This heat ensures your rolls cook evenly and get crispy. The fryer’s hot air will make them smell and look amazing.

Before cooking, place the rolls in a single layer in the fryer basket. Make sure they don’t touch. This step helps the air circulate well, cooking each one the same.

Cook for 10-12 minutes. They should be golden and fully cooked. To check, use a toothpick; it should come out clean when inserted in the center.

Cooking time might change based on roll size. Watch the rolls closely towards the end to prevent burning.

When ready, take the rolls out with care. Use tongs or a spatula. Let them cool a bit before serving. Now, enjoy your tasty treat!

Glazing Your Cinnamon Rolls

Add a delicious glaze to your homemade cinnamon rolls. This extra step can make them even better. It adds sweet flavor and a shiny look. We will show you some great glazing options and how to use them on your homemade rolls.

1. Classic Cream Cheese Glaze

A classic cream cheese glaze makes your rolls better. Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla, and a bit of milk. Stir until it’s smooth. Then, pour this glaze over your warm rolls for a tasty treat.

2. Vanilla Glaze

A simple choice is a vanilla glaze. Mix powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk for a smooth liquid. Drizzle this glaze on your rolls. Let it sit a bit before eating.

homemade cinnamon rolls recipe

3. Maple Glaze

Like something cozy? Try a maple glaze. Mix powdered sugar, maple syrup, and some milk. Drizzle this glaze on your rolls when they’re fresh from the oven. Now, you have a mix of cinnamon and maple tastes.

4. Citrus Glaze

For a zesty flavor, try citrus glaze. Mix powdered sugar with lemon or orange juice. Keep stirring until it’s smooth. Drizzle this glaze on your rolls. It gives them a refreshing kick.

Try different glazes to spice up your cinnamon rolls. You can even make your own flavors. Glazes make your rolls sweeter and more moist. Get creative with glazes and enjoy the tasty fun!

Serving and Storing

Your air-fried homemade cinnamon rolls are ready. It’s time to enjoy them. Whether it’s breakfast or dessert, here’s how to make the best of your treat.

1. Serving Suggestions

Beautifully serve your homemade cinnamon rolls for extra flavor. Here’s how:

  • Sprinkle powdered sugar or a cinnamon-sugar mix on top for sweetness.
  • Drizzle cream cheese or vanilla glaze over them while they’re still warm.
  • Top with nuts like pecans or walnuts for a tasty crunch.

There’s no limit to what you can add. Feel free to be creative. Make your cinnamon rolls unique to you.

2. Storing Leftover Cinnamon Rolls

If you have extras, keep them fresh with these steps:

  • Let the rolls cool completely first. This stops them from getting soggy.
  • Pack them in an airtight container or wrap tightly in plastic. It keeps them from drying out.
  • For up to 2 days of freshness, they can stay at room temperature. Refrigerate them for up to 5 days for longer freshness.
  • To enjoy leftovers, warm in the microwave for a few seconds or air fry for a few minutes. This makes them soft and warm again.

Homemade cinnamon rolls are tastiest when fresh. But, with the right storage, you can enjoy them for days.

Next, learn about making your air fryer cinnamon rolls even more exciting. We’ll look at different ways to customize them.

Variations and Customizations

Don’t stick to regular cinnamon rolls. Try making them just how you like with your air fryer. Be bold and mix up the fillings, toppings, and extra treats. Turn the classic cinnamon roll into something totally new and delicious.

1. Different Fillings

Change things up by trying new fillings in your cinnamon rolls. Spread Nutella or peanut butter on the dough for a tasty start. Then, add the usual cinnamon-sugar mix, or mix in chopped nuts, dried fruits, or coconut for more taste and texture.

2. Frosting Options

Get creative with frostings for a new flavor experience. Instead of the usual cream cheese, try caramel sauce, chocolate, or a simple powdered sugar glaze. Each option will make your rolls taste different and exciting.

3. Unique Toppings

Make your rolls stand out with fun toppings. Crushed cookies, sprinkles, or chocolate chips add crunch and fun. For something fresh, citrus zest or fruit preserves work wonders.

4. Chilled or Warm Add-Ons

Serve your air fryer cinnamon rolls with something extra. Maybe a cold scoop of ice cream or whipped cream. They can also be topped with melted chocolate or caramel for dipping.

Your air fryer cinnamon rolls can be a hit with these ideas. They are not just for you but for your friends and family too. Get creative and find flavor mixes that are truly yours.

Now, let’s explore how to make sure your cinnamon rolls always come out great. We’ll share some key tips and tricks any cook should know.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Cinnamon Rolls

Want homemade cinnamon rolls in your air fryer? A few tips and tricks can make them perfect. These expert methods ensure quality every time. As you start on your cinnamon roll journey, remember these pointers.

Achieving the Perfect Dough Consistency

The dough is key for great cinnamon rolls. Follow the recipe closely for texture perfection. Watch the measurements and temperatures. Certain flours and yeasts are often asked for, affecting dough consistency. Knead the dough well to mix the ingredients. This ensures your rolls are fluffy and soft.

Ensuring Even Cooking in the Air Fryer

Air fryers make rolls crispy outside and soft inside. To cook them evenly, preheat your air fryer. This ensures they cook right from all angles. Lay the rolls apart in a single layer for air to flow. You might have to cook them in parts, depending on fryer size. By doing this, your air fryer cinnamon rolls will be perfect.

Experimenting with Flavors and Additions

Classic cinnamon rolls are great, but you can mix it up with flavors and toppings. Try spices like nutmeg or cardamom to change the taste. Add fillings like caramel, apples, or chocolate for something out of the ordinary. Finish your rolls with cream cheese glaze or butter icing. There are many ways to personalize this recipe. So, feel free to get creative.

With these hints, you’ll make tasty homemade cinnamon rolls in your air fryer. Your loved ones will want to know your secret!

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Making air fryer cinnamon rolls is a joy, but you might face some issues. No worries! We’ve got tips to help. This way, you can enjoy your tasty treats hassle-free.

Dough Fail to Rise

If your dough doesn’t rise, there are a few possible causes:

  • Check the yeast: Ensure your yeast is still good and not past its use-by date. Old yeast won’t help the dough rise.
  • The right warmth: Yeast likes warm places. Keep your kitchen at 75-80°F (24-27°C) for the dough to rise well.
  • Patience is a virtue: Wait for the dough to double in size. Sometimes, it needs a bit more time, up to 15 minutes more.

Dough Too Sticky or Dry

Getting your dough’s texture just right is crucial. If your dough feels wrong, here’s what to do:

  • For sticky dough: Add a little flour, a tablespoon at a time, until it’s no longer sticky.
  • For dry dough: Gently sprinkle water, a teaspoon at a time, while kneading to make it moist and workable.

Burnt or Undercooked Rolls

Getting your rolls perfect can be tough. Here are solutions:

  • Right heat: Before cooking, ensure the air fryer is hot enough. Also, space out the rolls to cook them evenly.
  • Adjust the temperature: If your rolls are burnt outside but raw inside, lower the heat a bit and cook longer. Vice versa, for underdone rolls, raise the heat slightly and decrease the time.

Filling Leaking Out

Finding filling outside your dough is not fun. Here’s how to avoid that:

  • Seal it well: Make sure the dough’s edges are tightly closed after adding the filling. This keeps the filling in place.
  • Chill the dough: Before rolling, chilling the dough for 10-15 minutes makes it easier to handle and helps prevent leaks.

With these issue-solving tips, you’re ready for anything making air fryer cinnamon rolls. Let’s make these treats and enjoy!


Now you know making cinnamon rolls in an air fryer is easy. You don’t have to buy them from a store anymore. Enjoy the happiness of baking your own. It takes just a few steps to enjoy fresh, flavorful cinnamon rolls.

Making them in an air fryer gives a great result. They have a perfect crust and a soft center. The rapid hot air cooking makes them just perfect.

Have them for breakfast, brunch, or as a sweet end to a meal. Share them with loved ones. You can also mix up the toppings like glazes and fillings. This is the start of a new way to love cinnamon rolls, easily made at home.


Which air fryer should I use to make cinnamon rolls?

You can use any air fryer to cook cinnamon rolls. Just make sure it fits the rolls. Bigger fryers are better for more rolls at once.

Can I use pre-made dough for my air fryer cinnamon rolls?

Yes, pre-made dough works well for cinnamon rolls. Follow the dough package’s instructions to prepare. Don’t forget to add the filling before air frying.

What temperature should I set my air fryer to for cinnamon rolls?

Set your air fryer to 350°F (175°C) for the best cinnamon rolls. This heat makes them golden-brown outside and fluffy inside. It cooks them perfectly.

How long does it take to air fry cinnamon rolls?

Cinnamon rolls cook in 10 to 15 minutes in the air fryer. The time depends on their size and thickness. Watch them carefully to avoid burning.

Can I freeze the dough for future use?

Yes, you can freeze cinnamon roll dough. After making the dough, wrap it well or put it in a closed container. You can keep it frozen for a month. Thaw in the fridge before baking.

What are some popular glazing options for cinnamon rolls?

Cream cheese, vanilla, and maple glazes are loved on cinnamon rolls. These glazes add extra tasty sweetness. Try different glaze types for new flavors.

Can I make savory cinnamon rolls instead of sweet ones?

Sure, you can make cinnamon rolls savory instead of sweet. Try fillings like cheese, herbs, or bacon. They make yummy and unique rolls.

How long can I store leftover cinnamon rolls?

You can keep cinnamon rolls two days at room temperature in a closed container. For longer freshness, refrigerate up to five days. Warm them in the air fryer to enjoy again.

What can I do if my cinnamon rolls turn out too dry?

If rolls are dry, brush them with melted butter or glaze. It adds moisture and flavors. Warm icing or cream cheese frosting also helps make them moist and tasty.

How can I prevent the cinnamon filling from leaking out during air frying?

To stop the cinnamon from leaking, seal the rolls well. Roll and pinch them tightly. This keeps the filling inside as they cook.

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