
Easy Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

Peanut Butter Cookies with Air Fryer
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Welcome to our guide on easy Peanut Butter Cookies With Air Fryer. If you love home-baked cookies and need a fast recipe, you’re in the right place. We’ll show you how to make tasty peanut butter cookies with an air fryer.

This recipe is simple and perfect for anyone who loves sweets. It doesn’t matter if you’re just starting or have lots of baking experience. So, let’s start on your next delicious cookie batch!

Why Make Peanut Butter Cookies with an Air Fryer?

Air fryers are great for making homemade peanut butter cookies. They cook food evenly but with less oil. This means your cookies can have a crispy outside and a chewy inside.

Using an air fryer, you get cookies that are baked perfectly all over. No more burnt or too-soft cookies! They come out golden and just right every time.

Air fryers also need less oil than baking in the oven. This makes your cookies healthier. They’re still crispy outside and soft inside but with less fat.

Air fryers are also very fast at cooking. They cook cookies quicker than ovens. This is handy when you need a sweet snack fast.

Looking for tasty peanut butter cookies? An air fryer is the answer. It cooks evenly, uses less oil, and is quick. It’s a great help in your kitchen for yummy desserts.

Next: The Ingredients You’ll Need

The Ingredients You’ll Need

To make delicious peanut butter cookies with an air fryer, you’ll need these key items:

  • 1 cup of creamy peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt

With just a few necessary ingredients, you can whip up some crowd-favorite treats. The number one must-have is peanut butter. So, pick a top-notch brand to elevate your cookies’ taste.

Preparing Your Air Fryer

To bake perfect peanut butter cookies in your air fryer, you must prepare it well. Here’s what you need to do for great cookies:

  1. Read the manual: First, get to know your air fryer. Learn its instructions and the settings for baking.
  2. Preheat the air fryer: Next, set your air fryer’s temperature for baking cookies. It’s usually between 325°F and 350°F (163°C to 177°C).
  3. Allow for preheating time: Wait a few minutes for your air fryer to reach the right temperature. This step helps cook the cookies even.
  4. Prepare the baking tray: While you wait, cover the baking tray with parchment paper. This stops the cookies from sticking and makes cleaning up easier.

With your air fryer ready and tray prepared, start mixing the cookie dough. Don’t forget to bake at the correct time and temperature for the best cookies.

Preparing Your Air Fryer

Mixing the Cookie Dough

Now, let’s start mixing your homemade peanut butter cookies. Gather everything first. Then, follow these easy steps:

  1. First, cream the peanut butter, butter, and brown sugar in a bowl. Use a mixer on medium till it’s smooth.
  2. Next, add sugar, egg, and vanilla extract. Mix till it’s all smooth and combined.
  3. In another bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt.
  4. Then, slowly mix the dry and wet ingredients together. Mix gently till it’s a cookie dough.
  5. Remember, don’t mix too much. Once it looks like dough, stop.

Your cookie dough is ready. Time to shape and bake them. Handle the dough gently to keep the cookies soft.

Shaping and Placing the Cookie Dough

Once your peanut butter cookie dough is ready, shaping and placing it is key. Get your homemade cookies to look perfect and bake evenly brown by following simple tips.

Shaping Your Cookie Dough

Make all the cookie dough into balls that are the same size by rolling them in your hands. Make sure they’re a little flat too. You can do this with your palm. It makes sure they bake evenly.

Try using a cookie scoop or spoon to get your cookies a unique shape. Or press a fork gently on top for the classic pattern. Have fun making your cookies different and special.

Arranging the Cookie Dough on the Air Fryer Tray

How you put the cookies on the tray is important. Leave space between each one so they can bake well. If they’re too close, they might not all cook the same.

Turning the tray around during baking can also help them all get a nice, golden color. This ensures even cooking and delicious results.

After shaping and placing your dough, it’s time to air fry your cookies. This step turns them from dough to golden, tasty treats. You’re close to enjoying your freshly made peanut butter cookies!

Air Frying the Cookies

Now your peanut butter cookie dough’s ready. It’s time to use your air fryer to cook them just right. Air frying makes perfect cookies with a crispy outside and a soft, chewy inside. Just follow these easy steps to get it right.

Setting the Temperature and Time

To start, preheat your air fryer to 350°F for even cooking. This temp will give your cookies a nice golden color and a soft bite. Then, set the timer to 10 minutes for the best peanut butter cookies.

Placing the Tray

Put the cookie dough balls on the air fryer tray. Make sure there’s space between each one to let them grow as they bake. For the most even bake, place the tray in the air fryer’s middle.

Peanut Butter Cookies with Air Fryer

Achieving the Desired Level of Doneness

After 8 minutes, check your cookies to see if they’re as done as you like. Take them out now if you want them soft. If you want a bit more crisp, let them bake for the full 10 minutes. Keep in mind, cooking times can differ depending on your air fryer’s brand and model.

Enjoying Your Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies

When they’re done, use oven mitts or tongs to take the cookies out of the air fryer. Let them cool on a wire rack for a bit. Then, eat them warm with milk, or save them in a tight container for later treats.

Cooling and Storing the Cookies

After making a batch of tasty peanut butter cookies, it’s smart to know how to keep them fresh. This lets you enjoy them longer.

Here’s how to cool and store your cookies:

  1. Let the cookies cool on a wire rack first. This keeps them from getting too soft.
  2. Use an airtight container once they’re cool. A clean, dry container is best. It stops moisture from ruining them.
  3. To keep them soft, put a slice of bread or parchment paper inside. This traps moisture and stops the cookies from drying out.
  4. Keep the container in a cool, dry spot without sunlight. Keep them away from heat and humidity. These can change their texture.
  5. For even longer storage, freeze the cookies. They can last up to three months. Let them thaw before eating.

Just follow these steps to keep your cookies tasting great. They’re perfect for snacks or for sharing with loved ones.

Now you’re an expert at saving your peanut butter cookies. Let’s go further with tips and tweaks for your next cookie baking adventure.

Tips and Variations

Take your peanut butter cookies up a notch. Use these tips and fun twists. You can keep it classic or try something new. These ideas will make your cookies stand out.

1. Add a Burst of Chocolate Goodness

Make your cookies extra special with chocolate. Mix in some chocolate chips or add a chocolate-covered peanut on top. The mix of chocolate and peanut butter is amazing.

2. Experiment with Different Nut Butters

Don’t just stick to peanut butter. Try almond or cashew butter for a change. It’s perfect for those who can’t have peanuts or anyone who likes variety.

3. Make it Crunchy

Love a crunchy cookie? Add chopped nuts to your dough. They can be peanuts, walnuts, or almonds. This will give your cookies a great texture.

4. Play with Cookie Size

Make your cookies any size you like. From tiny bites to big treats, it’s up to you. Just remember to adjust the cooking time for each size.

5. Sandwich with Frosting or Jam

Turn your cookies into tasty sandwiches. Use frosting or jam between two cookies. You’ll love the mix of flavors and textures.

6. Add a Sprinkle of Sea Salt

Sprinkle sea salt on your cookies before baking. It balances the sweet and enhances the nutty taste. It’s an easy way to make your cookies better.

These tips and variations will make your peanut butter cookies even more fun. Add your favorite flavors and try new methods. Baking and eating these cookies will be a real treat.

The Health Benefits of Air Fryer Cookies

Indulging in sweet treats while staying healthy is often tricky. Yet, air fryer technology changes the game. It lets you savor the taste of baked cookies without forgetting about your health.

Air fryer cookies are healthier than those baked in the oven. The key is using less oil. With hot air circulating, they need only a bit of oil. This cuts the calories and fats, making them a smart choice for people watching their fat intake.

Air frying also keeps the cookies moist. You get soft and chewy treats without overdoing the butter or oil. This means they not only taste better but also have fewer calories.

Plus, air fryers cook cookies evenly, every time. This avoids the problem of having some bits too crispy or not cooked enough. So, you always get a perfect bite.

Using an air fryer means less nasty chemicals too. Baking normally at high heat can lead to acrylamide, which is risky. Air frying lowers this risk, keeping your cookies safe to eat.

Adding air fryer cookie recipes to your baking is a win-win. You can pick from the usual favorites or try new tastes. Think chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, or even matcha or almond butter. Air fryer cookies bring you the joy of baking with less guilt.


  • Air fryer cookies use less oil, so they’re lower in calories and fats.
  • Air fryers cook things evenly, avoiding burnt or undercooked spots.
  • By air frying, you reduce the risk of acrylamide, making your cookies safer to eat.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Many ask about making peanut butter cookies in an air fryer. Here are some helpful answers:

  • Can I use natural peanut butter for this recipe?
  • Yes, you can use natural peanut butter. Ensure it’s well mixed before adding to the dough.
  • Do I need to preheat the air fryer?
  • Yes, preheat it. This ensures your cookies cook evenly. Always follow the maker’s preheating instructions.
  • Can I add chocolate chips to the cookie dough?
  • Of course! Adding chocolate chips is a tasty idea. Just mix them into the dough before shaping it for the air fryer.
  • How long do the air-fried cookies stay fresh?
  • Keep them in an airtight container at room temp. They will be good for 3-4 days.
  • Can I freeze the cookie dough?
  • Yes, freezing the dough is fine for later use. Shape the dough, freeze on a sheet, then store in bags or containers for up to 3 months.
  • How do I adjust the cooking time and temperature for smaller or larger cookies?
  • For smaller cookies, decrease cook time a bit; for larger ones, bump it up. Watch closely to avoid overcooking.

Experiment with your air fryer peanut butter cookies. Try different ingredients and methods to make them your own. With these tips, you’re ready to bake!


In conclusion, using an air fryer for peanut butter cookies is both quick and easy. You get cookies that are crispy outside and soft inside. It’s a tasty homemade treat anyone would love.

You can mix things up to find your ultimate peanut butter cookie. Try adding chocolate chips or different kinds of peanut butter. You could even mix in some nuts. The choice is yours.

Feel free to be creative and make your cookies just how you like them. An Air Fryer helps you save time and keeps your treats healthier. It’s a win-win.

Now, just grab your Air Fryer, the ingredients, and follow these steps. You’ll have delicious cookies ready in no time. Enjoy!


Can I use natural peanut butter for this recipe?

Yes, natural peanut butter works for this recipe. Remember to stir it well first.

Can I substitute the flour with almond flour or gluten-free flour?

Yes, you can use almond or gluten-free flour. Just know the cookies may taste and feel a bit different.

How long do these cookies stay fresh?

Keep them in an airtight container. They will stay fresh for 4-5 days at room temperature.

Can I freeze these cookies?

Yes, freezing is fine. Use a freezer-safe bag or container. They’re good for 3 months. Thaw before eating.

Can I add chocolate chips or other mix-ins to the dough?

Yes, go ahead. Mix in chocolate chips, nuts, or anything else you like to make the cookies your own.

Can I double or halve the recipe?

You can easily make more or fewer cookies. Adjust the recipe to fit what you need.

Can I use a different sweetener instead of sugar?

Other sweeteners like honey or maple syrup work too. But they might change the cookies’ taste and texture.

Can I use a different type of oil instead of vegetable oil?

Yes, coconut or canola oil is fine. They can replace vegetable oil in this recipe.

Can I use a different type of nut butter instead of peanut butter?

Sure thing! You can swap almond or cashew butter for a unique taste in these cookies.

Can I use a different type of sweetener instead of peanut butter?

You can use various nut spreads or cookie butter instead of peanut butter in this recipe.

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